WELCOME TO RECFIRSTAID LTD: t/a Rescue Emergency Care

Rescue Emergency Care Level 5 - Expedition

REC Emergency Care Series

Course Summary

Booking Link https://clr.ie/136241


Students must be over 18 and have a valid indate REC 3/4 cert

Patient vital signs, monitoring (including blood pressure measurement)

Advanced fracture management and splinting (using assorted splints and improvisation)

Spinal management and transportation

AEDs & CPR and limitations in the wilderness

Fluid therapy in the wilderness

Hypothermia (advanced) and cold injuries

Communication and recording

Altitude Illness

Heat Illness and heat stroke

Animal related problems, including bites, envenomation’s, and stings as well as tropical illness.

Wound care (advanced)

Environmental issues

Expedition hygiene and camp safety
