It is 18 hours of Training (excluding breaks), so they can be long days.
Start times will be 08:30 each day.
Finish Times approx. 18:30
Course Cost is 160 Euros, if you are just booking in for a Revalidation (20th October) then this cost is €90.
You can pay this through our website ( ), or invoice if you prefer. In order to cover our costs, we ask everyone to pay at least 3 weeks prior to starting the course.
o For Revalidation courses, please use the code REVAL to apply the revalidation price.
As we will be outdoors (on the ground) for a large portion of it, please wear appropriate clothing.
Waterproofs are highly recommended.
Enough Layers to keep warm while not moving around.
Ideally something you don’t mind getting dirty…...
Regarding Lunches, there is a café onsite with local delis / shops around 5 minutes’ drive away.
There is parking available at the centre. We have a fob to lift the barrier to the carpark, if you don’t see one of our team around, give Shane a shout on 0857459117 and he can let you in.